Dive Into Zebra Striping: The Rising Trend in Drinking Culture

Did you know zebra striping isn't just for zebras? It's the latest drinking craze! According to Kam Insights' recent research in partnership with Lucky Saint, 31% of consumers leave venues early due to poor low and no-alcohol options. But fear not, there's a growing demand for these alternatives, and it's time to hop on board!

What's the Buzz?

Kam Insights' study reveals that lower strength drinks are on the rise. Sure, the trend might be a bit slower, but with 44% of 18-24-year-olds occasionally or regularly drinking alcohol alternatives, and over half of UK adults moderating their intake, it's a trend venues can't ignore. Especially if you're looking to boost lunchtime and weekday visits and keep those customers hanging around longer.

What are the new drinking behaviours?

Kam's research highlights some exciting new trends:

30% of customers are “Going no”

28% of guests are “Zebra Striping”

25% are “Going low”

This means your alcohol-free and low-alcohol options are for everyone, not just the non-drinkers. It's all about the experience you provide, not just the drink's strength.

Bookending is the key to extending dwell time

Alongside zebra striping, another tactic gaining popularity during visits to pubs, bars, and restaurants is ‘bookending’. Kam found 44% of customers would be MORE likely to stay for ‘one for the road’, even when they don’t want to drink any more alcohol, if they could have a non-alcoholic version of their favourite alcoholic drink, than if they had to have a traditional soft drink as their last drink.

This approach also helps maintain dwell time and total spend for the venue, as guests aren’t necessarily drinking fewer beverages, just changing up their mix. It indicates that the 'experience' has become the primary driver of socialising, especially among younger demographics, rather than alcohol consumption.

How to Amp Up Your Low and No Options:

Customers have come to expect choice, and low and no alcohol drinks are no different. If a group is planning a night out, and some of them are not drinking, having an interesting low and no offering could be a deal-breaker.

A survey showed that nearly half (42%) of customers look at a venue’s menu in advance to decide whether to visit or not.*

If you have a range of alcoholic drinks that suit all occasions, it should be the same for your alcohol-free range too.

Reviewing your alcohol-free range:

  • Match the quality of your alcoholic drinks with a well-thought-out range of alcohol-free drinks and cocktails.
  • Check what your wholesaler or pub co has on offer, and if you need something else, let them know. Or work directly with an alcohol-free brand to test what works.
  • Pick a range of beers, not just one; customers have different preferences regarding beer styles. Can you accommodate an alcohol-free beer on draught?
  • Stock a high-quality lower-sugar craft soft drink in your fridge as well. Not everyone wants an alcohol-free version of an alcoholic drink, but they still care about quality and sugar content.

Feeling lost in this new drink category? Don’t worry! We've got two sessions at Imbibe Live to guide you.

Create Alcohol-Free Cocktails That Customers Love

When: Monday, 1st July - 12pm

Where: The Cocktail Lounge

Who: Club Soda Team, Nicolas Medicamento (Borgo Egnazia, Savoy), and Quentin Fichot (The Hide)

What: A masterclass on alcohol-free and mood-enhancing cocktails, featuring top alcohol-free spirits like Everleaf, Rebels, and Three Spirit. Learn what customers want, how to create appealing alcohol-free cocktails, ensure good margins, and how to showcase your great alcohol-free cocktail list!

The Sessionable Option

When: Tuesday, 2nd July at 12.45pm

Focus: Dive into the world of low alcohol with Quarter Spirits and 6Percent wine, an area that's still developing but full of potential.

See You There!

Club Soda is the UK's mindful drinking specialist, experts in alcohol and behaviour change. The Tasting Rooms are a space for your to low and no alcohol drinks and select drinks for your venue. You can see more about how we can help you here

Find Us:

Website: joinclubsoda.com

Social: @joinclubsoda

Location: The  Club Soda Tasting Room & Bar, 39 Drury Lane, London, WC2B 5RR

Don’t miss out on these fun and informative sessions. Let's make your venue the go-to spot for everyone, no matter what they're drinking!

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